Tied by: Charlie Mann Don Bastian (l-r) Originated by: David A. Footer Hook: 8xl streamer hook Thread: Black Body: Flat gold tinsel Belly: Midnight...
Tied by: Charlie Mann Don Bastian (l-r)
Originated by: David A. Footer
Hook: 8xl streamer hook
Thread: Black
Body: Flat gold tinsel
Belly: Midnight blue bucktail then 5-7 peacock herls (Also listed as throat)
Inner-wing: Yellow bucktail over red bucktail
Outer-Wing: Yellow hackle
Shoulder: Large dot Guinea hen 1/3 body length
Head: Black thread
Notes: Originated by David Footer, a renowned taxidermist and wildlife artist from Lewiston, Maine. David does not tie flies but had sketched out the original design. He gave the sketch to a friend who did tie flies, to bring his design to life. The Footer Special is said to be responsible for many of the largest brookies caught each year in Quebec and Maine. There is a great article published in the Spring 2002 "Art of Angling Journal" about David Footer and presents some of his artwork and taxidermy.
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