Published May 10. 2012 - 12 years ago
Updated or edited Nov 28. 2020

#131 - St. Ingace Streamer

Tied by: Darren MacEachern Originated by: Robert E. Coulson Source: Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing, Bates - Pg. 331 Hook: Sealey 1797B 1/0 Thread: 6/0...

#131 St. Ingace Streamer - Darren MacEachern

Tied by: Darren MacEachern
Originated by: Robert E. Coulson
Source: Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing, Bates - Pg. 331

Hook: Sealey 1797B 1/0
Thread: 6/0 black
Tail: Golden pheasant tippet
Body: Medium flat gold tinsel
Throat: Honey badger hackle wrapped then gathers down
Wing: 3 honey badger hackles, thing and extending slightly beyond the tail
Eye: Jungle cock, small and rather short
Head: Black

Notes: The St. Ingace Streamer is the last in the trio of streamers originated by Robert E. Coulson of Buffalo, New York. The trio also includes the Saguenay Streamer and the Lord Denby Streamer which were designed for fishing the large coaster brook trout of Ontario's Nipigon River. The St. Ingace Streamer was named for St. Ignace Island, located at the mouth of the Nipigon River system and known for its shallow shores which attract large numbers of baitfish. This in turn attracts the hungry coaster brook trout that the area is so well known for.


Comment to #131 - St. Ingace Streamer...

Nice n sleek easy to cast streamer..


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