Published Jun 12. 2012 - 12 years ago
Updated or edited Nov 27. 2020

#164 - Bogong Beauty

Tied by: Robert Frandsen Originated by: Robert Frandsen Hook: Mustad 94720 Thread: White Tag: Flat silver tinsel Body: Chartreuse silk / floss Rib:...

#164 Bogong Beauty - Robert Frandsen

Tied by: Robert Frandsen
Originated by: Robert Frandsen

Hook: Mustad 94720
Thread: White
Tag: Flat silver tinsel
Body: Chartreuse silk / floss
Rib: Flat silver tinsel
Belly: Peacock herl then white bucktail
Throat: Chartreuse schlappen
Underwing: Golden pheasant crest
Wing: 2 chartreuse hackles flanked by grizzly hackle
Shoulder: Wood duck flank
Eyes: Jungle cock
Head: Black (optional chartreuse band)

Notes: The Bogong Beauty was inspired by a trout fly developed by one of Bob's fishing buddies some time ago that featured a grizzly wing. Bob added the chartreuse wing and just went with it, decking the streamer out in chartreuse. The Bogong High Plains are an iconic section of the Alpine National Park in the Australian state of Victoria with Mount Bogong the main focal point.


Comment to #164 - Bogong Beauty...

This is incredible Bob. The colors are out of this world. Every box is ticked. LOVE IT.

Comment to #164 - Bogong Beauty...

Yes Bob you sure nailed this one...

Comment to #164 - Bogong Beauty...

Great streamer. The trout will see that a mile away...And the woody shoulder is a favorite of mine...

Comment to #164 - Bogong Beauty...

That's a ripper.

Comment to #164 - Bogong Beauty...

yo, struck by the colors, patterning and workmanship. great work


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