Published Nov 25. 2012 - 12 years ago
Updated or edited Nov 27. 2020

#330 - Winnipesaukee Queen

Winnipesaukee Queen - Jim Warner Tied by: Jim Warner Originated by: Dick Fozie Source: Trolling Flies for Trout and Salmon; Dick Stewart & Bob...

#330 Winnipesaukee Queen - Jim Warner #330 Winnipesaukee Queen - Jim Warner

Tied by: Jim Warner
Originated by: Dick Fozie
Source: Trolling Flies for Trout and Salmon; Dick Stewart & Bob Leeman 1982 pg.40

Hook: Mustad 94720 #4
Thread: Black 6/0
Tag: Silver flat tinsel
Body: Orange floss
Rib: Silver flat tinsel
Belly: 4-6 peacock herls and white bucktail
Wing: 4 black hackles
Shoulder: Silver pheasant body feather
Eye: Jungle cock
Head: Black

Notes: The Winnipesaukee Queen was one of the patterns Jim had submitted to be published in Trolling Flies for Trout and Salmon. This pattern as well as Dick's Special were created by Dick Fozie of Alton Bay. Jim discovered the patterns listed in a 'New Hampshire Profiles Magazine' in the early 1960's but found that the Queen was not a productive pattern.


Comment to #330 - Winnipesaukee Queen...

Looks like a beautiful pattern to me. I bet it would be productive for bass.

Comment to #330 - Winnipesaukee Queen...

Great looking fly
It should do well on Smallmouths

Fly fishing nut

Comment to #330 - Winnipesaukee Queen...

g r e a t :)

Comment to #330 - Winnipesaukee Queen...

Awesome, Winnipesaukee Queen Looks great.

Comment to #330 - Winnipesaukee Queen...

Lo consiglierò a mio fratello.

Comment to #330 - Winnipesaukee Queen...

Awesome, looks great

Comment to #330 - Winnipesaukee Queen...

Very nice Jim..

Comment to #330 - Winnipesaukee Queen...

As all ways lot's of great flies to look at

Comment to #330 - Winnipesaukee Queen...

Jim I wasn't aware of this fly until this morning when this post went up. I took a ride up to my camp and was warming up and opened a copy of "Trolling flies for Tout & Salmon" and there was the pattern. I must have missed it the other hundred times I've read that book. It looks like a great dark day fly and I'll give it a try.


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