Published Oct 29. 2013 - 11 years ago
Updated or edited Nov 28. 2020

#78-2013 - Black Nosed Dace

Black Nosed Dace Thunder Creek and Hairwing Streamers - Jim Bennett & Bill Chandler Tied by: Jim Bennett & Bill Chandler Originated by: Arthur...

#78-2013 Black Nosed Dace Thunder Creek and Hairwing Streamers - Jim Bennett & Bill Chandler #78-2013 Black Nosed Dace Thunder Creek and Hairwing Streamers - Jim Bennett & Bill Chandler

Tied by: Jim Bennett & Bill Chandler
Originated by: Arthur B. Flick
Source: Streamer Fly Tying & Fishing by Joseph D. Bates, Jr, - Pg 231-232

Black Nosed Dace Thunder Creek Fly Recipe

Hook: Partridge CS5 #4 (bronzed or blued)
Thread: Black 8/0
Belly: White bucktail
Wing: Silver crystal flash, black bucktail and tan/brown bucktail
Gills: Red paint
Eye: White and black paint

Black Nosed Dace Bucktail Fly Recipe

Hook: Allcock (unknown model number) #2
Thread: Black 8/0
Tag: Red wool
Body: Silver flat tinsel
Rib: Silver oval tinsel
Wing: White bucktail under black bucktail under brown bear
Head: Black

Notes: The Black Nosed Dace, or BND for short, was a creation of Arthur (Art) Flick of Westkill, New York. It was designed to imitate the plentiful baitfish of the same name, Rhinichthys atratulus. For trout, Mr. Flick suggested sizes #4-#10, favouring the smaller sizes later into the season. The pattern found a calling amongst saltwater enthusiast and the fly was adopted into fly boxes destined to hunt striped bass. Numerous variations and styles of the pattern evolved, most notably the Thunder Creek version incepted by Keith Fulsher. For more Black Nosed Dace patterns, please have a look at Global Fly Fisher's BND page.


Comment to #78-2013 - Black Nosed Dace tied by Jim...

Lovely work guys, I really enjoyed these beauties!


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