How To Tie an Egg Sucking Leech Tube Fly For Trout Spey and Steelhead - A quick and easy Egg Sucking Leech streamer for Trout Spey swinging. Trout Spey Fly Tying tutorial.
This month five years ago
Feb 9. 2020
Feb 9. 2020
Great Pattern all Year Round,
Hook size 14-16-18
Thread Black & Hot Orange
Tail Black Cock Hackle
Body Black Pheasant Tail with Green Holo Tinsel Ribs |
Feb 8. 2020
Hares are very good lures. The constructions based on this material are different and the multitude of ideas is unlimited. This version is mainly a guide nymph tied on hooks 10 - 14. |
Feb 8. 2020
How To Tie Trout Spey Streamers - The one fly that started it all! Learn how to tie one of Dave's very first trout spey flies. |
Feb 7. 2020
This is a great pattern to fish your favorite stillwater from April into November. I like to cast these over weed beds and close to shore reeds. |
Feb 7. 2020
Jeff Hickman's Fish Taco Fly is a well-known steelhead catching fly. This version is a slight variation of the original Fish Taco for Trout Spey and Skagit Fishing. |
Feb 7. 2020
Hi and welcome to my Fly Tying and Fly Fishing Channel. |
Feb 7. 2020
How To Tie A Trout Spey Intruder - a quick and easy Mini Trout Intruder Streamer Fly. Trout Spey Fly Tying tutorial. |
Feb 7. 2020
Great Pattern for Spring & Summer
Hook # 12
Thread Olive
Body Yellow Hare's Ear
Rib Green Tinsel
Post Yellow CDC & Deer Hair
Feb 5. 2020
A delta wing caddis with an interesting body technique that can be put to good use in many other caddis patterns. |
Feb 5. 2020
The Comet with its classic colour scheme is a fantastic salmon tube, both for spring fish and the big fish in the back end of the season. |
Feb 4. 2020
What's your fish of a lifetime? Is it that GT you saw on Instagram, the native brook trout a few miles from your house, or is more than just a fish? |