The father of the New England Streamers web page
What's up with this RASKE thing?
A nice largemouth bass
This question undoubtedly crops up eventually when interacting with folks from the web, so I thought this would be a good place to give the answer. It's quite simple, was an internet "handle" I came up with which is formed by the initials of my first and middle names (R.A.) and the first three letters of my last name (SKE). Little did I know that there are actually people in the world with RASKE as their last name! So....once and for all....I'm probably not related to you, but thanks for asking!
A Little About Me...
Born and raised in Maine, with the exception of a few years in the U.S. Army, I've lived in Maine all my life. New England Streamers and bucktails are such an integral part of the fishing sport here, that I naturally assumed that others throughout the world used them as well. Imagine my surprise to find that was not the case! A bit dismayed at the lack of publications and web pages on streamer heritage, tying, and fishing, I decided to make my own: Raske's New England Streamer Page.
How gratifying it was to find that many folks from around the world took an interest in my little site, and to help me promote the heritage of these productive patterns.
A successful hunt with Dad
I tied my first bucktail back in 1978 while taking a Hunter Safety course to pursue my first love, whitetailed deer hunting. I lost interest in fly tying and fishing for a long period while chasing the wiley whitetail, ruffed grouse, and snowshoe hare around the Maine woods. After getting out of the service I found myself back at the vise. I still hunt a bit, but now find much more satisfaction in chasing wild brook trout and landlocked salmon around with streamers, dries and wet flies tied by my own hand.
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I have been trying t
I have been trying to find an email address for Bob Skehan but have had no luck. Can anyone help?