Robert is a Swedish Fly Fisher, Tyer and Photographer from South of Sweden searching for time slots to fish for Sea Trout, Salmon, Pike & Perch with the fly rod!
Nowadays I live with my family in the south west of Sweden where the main focus in on the coastal sea trout. In the after season the pike and perch fishing takes off or a visit to our fantastic neighbor country Denmark take off to continue the sea trout season! The fly fishing opportunity in this region is fantastic and the possibilities are endless.
This isn't even all!
My favorite rivers are located in Slovenia and especially the rivers in Soca Valley which I’m visiting yearly since ’03 one to as much as three times per year. I really love the fly fishing down there especially with the experience of the rivers now days giving me the opportunities to fish stretches and rivers where almost no one is fishing with great success. Photographing is besides the fishing another interest, which have given the opportunity to work with my friend and writer Jesper Malmberg publishing a number of articles in the Scandinavian fly fishing magazines such as Swedish Flugfiske-feber, Flugfiske i Norden, Danish Fiskefeber as well as GFF and more articles will come!
Tight Lines
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