Hello friends! Five years ago today, included in issue #29 of Catch Magazine was a film I created called Airstreamer. I've pulled Airstreamer from the vault for the public to enjoy, hope you get a kick out of it. May 24th, 2013 - Before the desert sun broils the land and lizards carry canteens, my wingman Brian O’Keefe and I met up for a late spring bike tour to some very remote trout and bass water. Home base was a 60 year old Airstream travel trailer, strategically located in the middle of nowhere, but fairly close to some badlands bass water and sagebrush trout streams. Streamers were getting action in the pocket water and scummy sloughs. Poppers were the ticket for bass. Thanks to some gourmet peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Chips Ahoy cookies, we survived the harsh landscape and had a great time making AIRSTREAMER.
SUBSCRiBE & “Ring the Bell" ► http://goo.gl/9Z5dTu
Special thanks to my supporters of this type of art and entertainment. Without their kind support their would be no way to make these productions a reality.
RL Winston Rod Company - https://www.WinstonRods.com
Eddie Bauer - http://www.EddieBauer.com
Outcast Sporting Gear http://www.outcastboats.com
Orvis - http://www.orvis.com/fly-fishing
All flies supplied by Rainy's flies - http://www.rainysflies.com
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