This pattern and others can be found in Lefty Kreh's Saltwater Fly Patterns Amazon
Amazon UK
Inspired by Dan Blanton's Whistler, Ed Givens designed the Barred & Black for striped bass but it has since proven its worth all over the world for everything from musky to murray cod. I think it really should be thought of more as a colour option than a pattern in its own right, it lends itself well to whistler, thing and river pig platforms.
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Materials Used
Hook: Ahrex Bent streamer 2/0
Weight: Dumbbells or bead chain
Thread: Black
Tail: Black saddle hackles
Body: Black bucktail
Flash: Sybai sparkle hair
Sides: Grizzle saddle hackle
Collar: Schlappen/webby saddle hackle & marabou
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