In hard-fished waters, it pays often to try with smaller and sparsely dressed nymphs to be able to lure the big, spooky trout to take, those who have seen many flies and perhaps learned that conspicuous flies are not food, but a creative fly-tyer's attempt to lure them to take. American fly tyer, fly fisherman and guide Brad Urbas has many times had luck with this small, simple BWO CDC Perdigon Jig Nymph, which can quickly get down through the water levels in his tail-waters for tricky fish.
Hook: Ahrex FW555 CZ Jig Nymph # 16
Thread: 70 D Yellow/Olive
Weight: 3,5 mm slotted bead, copper
Tail: Whiting CDC Tail Feathers, brown
Body: Bone Dry Clear UV Resin
Hackle: CDC Medium Grey Dun
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