Published Dec 16. 2016 - 7 years ago
Updated or edited Sep 6. 2018

Chasing 24 Carat Gold

The film is set in Bolivia, Chasing 24 carat gold - Golden Dorado.
We set out deep in to the jungle, in search of this golden monster. I spent over 8 weeks guiding several groups up and down the Casare River, Pachene River and its several tributaries. After a few days travel up stream, we had made it to base camp and it was from here that the real journey began. These fish live in one of the most amazing jungles in the world and love to hide out in tight and fast moving water that the rivers provide. They hit hard and fight back adding to the excitement of this life changing adventure. In total isolation (no iPhones or instagram) the vast amount of wild life and adrenaline between anglers seems more real than ever.

Martin Joergensen

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