Good things do come in small packages! In this fly tying tutorial, I share the procedures for tying the Cinnamon Toast Baetis, a unique BWO nymph. This pattern, created by Kevin Compton of Performance Flies, is a fun tie, plus it incorporates Condor Substitute for the body material. Have fun tying this one, though I know you'll appreciate its fish-catching ability even more!
Resources for the "Condor Substitute" material include:
Hook: Hanak H 260 BL; size #16
Bead: Copper tungsten; 2.0 mm
Thread: 8/0 UNI; dark brown
Tail: Coq de Leon; medium pardo
Ribbing: Copper wire; fine
Body: Condor Substitute; brown-olive
Thorax: Siman Peacock Dubbing; Peacock Bronze
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Let me know what you think of this pattern, and if it's one you will tie or fly fish with. Feel free to leave any additional questions/comments on this YouTube page, or you can email me:
Fly fishing for beginners can be difficult at first, thus be sure to stick with it and ask others for advice. If in the need for some helpful tips and other fly tying and fly fishing information, be sure to check out my "Trout and Feather" accounts on Facebook and Instagram...
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