Compton's Cinnamon Toast Baetis
Good things do come in small packages! In this fly tying tutorial, I share the procedures for tying the Cinnamon Toast Baetis, a unique BWO nymph. This pattern, created by Kevin Compton of Performance Flies, is a fun tie, plus it incorporates Condor Substitute for the body material. Have fun tying this one, though I know you'll appreciate its fish-catching ability even more!
Resources for the "Condor Substitute" material include:
Hook: Hanak H 260 BL; size #16
Bead: Copper tungsten; 2.0 mm
Thread: 8/0 UNI; dark brown
Tail: Coq de Leon; medium pardo
Ribbing: Copper wire; fine
Body: Condor Substitute; brown-olive
Thorax: Siman Peacock Dubbing; Peacock Bronze
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