A New Zealand streamer fly for hunting large rainbows and brown trout in the dark hours. I still got mental images of some monster brown trout slamming this large blue fly one night years ago in a secret river somewhere in Norway. Good memories, that always will make this a confidence fly for me.
The flat wing tying style adds a large profile – making this streamer excellent for night fishing and for fishing on dark days. It is kind of an oversized Black Zulu wearing Batman’s cape.
The Craig’s Nighttime is one of my go-to flies for large browns, whether they live in the lake, the river or return from the sea. Should work great for salmon and steelhead as well.
Thanks for watching :0)
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Craig’s Nighttime
Hook: Ahrex HR410, Tying Single, #2 (or #2/0-10)
Thread: Black - https://amzn.to/3oAI7b1
Tail: Natural Sculpin Wool, Cardinal Red - https://shop.michaeljensens.com/
Body: Black chenille - https://amzn.to/35uxYoX
Rib: Flat medium mylar, silver - https://amzn.to/38JegI0
Wing: Three blue pukeko feathers tied on to lie flat over the body, plus a single jungle cock feather also tied on flat over the pukeko feathers. (Small heron feathers dyed blue could be used as a substitute for the pukeko - and Pro Sportfisher Junglecock Gen3 could be used as a substitute for the jungle cock)
Throat hackle: Black schlappen feather - https://amzn.to/2XYV6Yr
Head: Varnish or Loon UV Resin - https://amzn.to/2KD7WZw
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