"Diaries Of A Musky Addict" is a teaser cut from the documentary "Pursuing Esox: Pike, Musky, and Pickerel On The Fly." The documentary explores the cultural phenomena surrounding the world of Esox fishing on the fly--the tying, the boats, the people, and their obsessive lifestyles. "Pursuing Esox" is filmed and produced by Austin Green Weinstein (www.austingreenphotography.com), photography and filmmaking student at the Maryland Institute College of Art (www.portfolios.mica.edu/austingreenphoto) and founder of The Uncommon Angler (www.theuncommonangler.com) This film has been made possible through the support of Charlie Gordon - Buffalo Shoals Guide Service (www.buffaloshoals.com), Pat Cohen - Super Fly (www.rusuperfly.com), Justin Damude - HIPTOTHESTRIP (www.hiptothestrip.com), David Hegburg - Streamer Junkies (www.streamerjunkies.weebly.com), and Ron Poehailos & John Jinishian - 3-TAND (www.3-tand.com). A special thanks to Jeff Brennan, Katie Blizzard, Ty Loomis, Jon Zukowski, Rob Lepczyk, and Morgan Kupfer for helping me organize, and execute this project! Music: "Super Heady Spiritual Gangster," By Soohan (From the album, "Made In Baltimore") We would also like to thank Flymen Fishing Company, Great Feathers Fly Shop, Tight Lined Tales of a Fly Fisherman, Keystone Fly Fishing, Rip Lips Muskie Flies and CCA Maryland.
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