If you like high mountain creek fishing, and dry fly fishing, this is the video to watch! Incredible action on the fly rod. Every fish was hooked on a dry fly, and it seemed like for a while I couldn't keep them off my line. The best producer of the day was an Elk Hair Caddis, which you can see how to tie that here... https://youtu.be/rF4yLJKqNPo
So one of the brook trout was so dar, it was almost black at parts, and had a deep black mouth. Amazingly beautiful! In fact, almost all of the fish caught were very colorful! The most colorful brookies ive seen to date! Just amazing! Also Jeff had some luck further down stream and got a few rio grand cutthroat! Amazing day for all of us.
So this small 6pc pack rod is amazing! I love it! Its the Redington Classic Trout, and its a 3wt. Its nice to have such a compact rod for hiking back country. It fits great in a small backpack, and has some great action for these small creeks. If your interested in checking this out, here is a link to my review on this rod. https://youtu.be/0cgyGcBfbvM
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