We had had huge demand to get this video up on screen _ the best Crawdad pattern around: Duane Hada's Creek Crawler available through Umpqua Feather Merchants dealers, including Dally's Ozark Fly Fisher. .
Tied here by Dally's smallmouth & trout guide Ben Levin, who had significant input into the design of the Creek Crawler.
Its design, the combination of weight and material selection, allows this fly to be fished on the bottom, where crawdads are home, in fast flowing Ozark creeks and where ever smallmouth are found.
Purchase the Creek Crawler from us here http://mtnriverflyshopstore.com/hacrc...
Duane is also a nationally know artist and you can find his gallery here. http://rivertowngallery.com/
Video produced by Brian Wise: Fly Fishing the Ozarks http://flyfishingtheozarks.com/
in conjunction with Dally's Ozark Fly Fisher, Cotter Arkansas. http://theozarkflyfisher.com
TMC 5263 Size 4
Lead Eyes Medium
Krystal Flash Rootbeer
Sili Legs Fire Tip Pumpkin/Orange
Mouth: Grizzly Marabou Sand
Carapace: Swiss Straw Cream
Underbody: Tan Wool
Body: Crawdub Tan
Claws: Soft Hackle Hen Ginger
Ultra Wire Small Red
Black Sharpie or permanent marker
2-part Epoxy or Clear Cure Goo
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