A "must-have-in-the-box" is a streamer that imitates baitfish - often when, for example, a trout reach a certain size they change their diet to smaller fish, and even an selective dry fly-eating trout can be tempted by a large mouthful. The skilled German flytyer and flyfisher Oliver Oelze has taken advantage of this in his Feather Fish, where the transparent silhouette of the baitfish is perfectly recreated with trimmed hackles from the speckled Coq De Leon hackle feathers.
Hook: NS172 Curved gammarus
Thread: White
Tail: Two tan Coq De Leon hackles, cut to “fish-shape”
Body: Senyo’s Laser Dub - Fl. Hot Orange
Wing: Baitfish Dubbing - white below and silver grey on top
Eye: Black/silver 3D eyes
Head: UV resin
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