as humans, we’re not meant to just consume. we meant to create beautiful things, to impact those around us, to leave a mark on the world. there needs to be a bigger purpose behind all the things that we do. that’s when it dawned on us… we can use fly fishing to create change. a year ago i spent a morning on the river with some friends who had been telling me about an organization they had started that used fly fishing to make an impact on those in need. over the past year, they have made some amazing strides, a couple weeks ago, i got back out with them. we hiked out to the river before dawn, and by the time the sun rose, i had already experienced more beauty in a few hours than i normally do in a month. and this video is a little look into some of the amazing things they are doing. i'm excited to share with you a touch of that beauty i got to experience but more so excited to share with you this amazing story and even more amazing undertaking. ip _______________________________________________________ note from bucky: None of this is possible without the friends in the fly fishing community banding together with the common focus to help. We want to thank everyone that has climbed on board with what we’re doing. It seriously would be impossible without you. I think of Marty and Mia shepherd of Little Creek Outfittters. They donated the first guided trip that we ever received. Their generosity and dedication to helping others is so inspiring. The industry is lucky to have them. I think of Joel Loffiette from Royal Treatment fly shop, and Brian Silvey, I think of Adventures Across Oregon, Small Stream Outfitters, and so many other guides, fly tiers, and good hearted people that have helped us along the way.
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