On a fly tying bench, I believe one of the most important tools is scissors...but not all are created equally! In this video, I discuss my thoughts regarding them, and feature those that I use on a regular basis. For nostalgic tyers, I also show my first pair of fly tying scissors from over 25 years ago.
Links for those scissors featured:
Dr. Slick: http://www.drslick.com/catalog/scissors/razor
Tiemco: http://www.stoneriveroutfitters.com/browse.cfm/tiemco-scissors-curved/4…
Similar Wire Scissors: http://www.drslick.com/catalog/scissors/tension
Retractable Box Cutter: http://www.stanleytools.com/en-US/products/hand-tools/knives-blades/mul…
Flexible Razor Blades: I haven't bought these in awhile, thus email me if you have a link for these; thanks!
Super Shears: http://www.amazon.com/SE-Stainless-Steel-Utility-Scissors/dp/B003N2J0JY
Link to Martin Joergensen's article: http://globalflyfisher.com/tiebetter/scissors/
As mentioned in this video, I'd love to hear your thoughts about scissors that you've also had success with at your tying bench. Feel free to leave any additional questions/comments on this YouTube page, or you can email me: tcammisa@gmail.com
Thanks for viewing this YouTube fly tying tutorial, and I encourage you to view my additional videos at the following website: http://www.troutandfeather.com
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