This Mörrum ginger colored tubefly is swedish flytyer and flyfisher Erik Hellquist’s favourite colour for the River Mörrum, and the fly that he actually caught one of his first salmon on many years ago. Erik lives and fish the famous swedish river on a daily basis, when not working in the local shop Fiskeshopen at the bank of the river. Gingernesen is Erik’s version of the Beiss 5 and a great fly for fresh-run salmon. Erik ties it with wings from 3-7 centimetres in length and with different weights, from small beads to 13 mm US Tubes.
Tube: Clear 1,85 mm
Thread: Black 14/0
Weight: 10 mm US Tube
Butt: Uni Chinese Red
Body: Black Antron yarn
Hackles: Ginger cock hackle and
Burnt Orange soft hackle
Wing: Mörrum Ginger fox and tanuki
Flash: Nasty Rusty Angel Hair and Dark Gold, copper, and red Gliss’n Glow
Cheeks: Jungle cock (optional)
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