One of the most classic flies for fishing the salt around Denmark and other places in Scandinavia must be the grey/grizzly palmerhackled fly called “Magnus” - a fly that has caught hundreds - or thousands of trouts along the coastlines. The fly was invented by Magnus Ting Mortensen way back in 1973, when it was intended as a light and fluffy shrimp imitation. Experience has shown, however, that the fly does not look like any particular food item, but it swims around and looks like anything - which is probably why the fly is so effective. We have again had danish sea-trout expert, guide and flytyer Jesper Lindquist Andersen behind the vice demonstrating his version of the old classic - but spiced up with a fluorocent head.
Hook: Ahrex NS122 Light Stinger
Thread: Tan UTC
Eyes: Gold Bead-chain eyes
Rib: Monofilament nylon
Tail: Tips of grizzly hackles
Body: Hares Ear Dubbin
Hackle: Grizzly
Head: Fl. Orange UV-resin
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