Mighty Green Drake No.5 - Harrop Last Chance Cripple (E.Danica/E.Guttulata/Drunella)
Western Green Drake, Eastern Green Drake, European Green Drake.
Materials Used:
Hook: TMC 100 BL {#12}
Wing: CDC {Pale Olive}
Abdomen: Turkey Biot {Pale Olive}
Hackle: Rooster Hackle {Olive Grizzly}
Thread: Veevus G.S.P 50 Den. {Black}
Thorax: FLY-RITE Extra Fine Poly Dubbing {#41 Pale Olive}
Tails: Coq de Leon Pardo Rihnon {pardo corzuno oscuro} + Antron Yarn or Z-Lon or Aero Dry Wing{Light Cream}
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