The soft marabou feathers are an unsurpassed flytying material for stagnant and slow-flowing waters. The material is available in every conceivable color and is also relatively cheap. One of the supporters is the Danish fishing guide Marc Skovby, who tells the story of his favorite marabou-based fly for his flyfishing for salmon in Denmark.
Marc Skovby has fished salmon in the river Skjern for seventeen years, and in over ten of them he has refined a simple marabou fly, which today is his undisputed favorite for Danish salmon. “It wasn't until I became acquainted with steelhead that I really opened my eyes to marabou as flytying material. My fascination with steelhead flies meant that I of course also had to try them for Danish salmon. Unfortunately, the flies disappointed during practical fishing at home. Most North American marabou flies are quite hard-dressed, and in a relatively slow-flowing Danish stream it looks more like a clump of feathers that only move slightly on the surface. It was my first learning with marabou. It is important not to overdress the flies. Instead, I started experimenting and simplifying some fly patterns, and over the course of a season I developed the basic idea and shape of The Marabou Flu. Today, the fly has become my standard choice for the river, whether it is high and unclear or runs with shallow summer water”, says Marc Skovby.
Tube: 1,8 mm plast-tube
Thread: Black
Body: 4 mm black brass or tungsten bead
Hackle: Yellow, orange and black marabou
Flash: Gold Angel Hair
Antennas: Yellow amherst pheasant
Front: Black hen
Cone: 4,5 mm Ufo-disc or Tungsten Ufo-disc
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