Fly fishing on one of world's best mountain rivers. Perfect fly fishing day: perfect river, perfect landscape, perfect weather, perfect time, perfect water conditions, perfect fish activity. What more can a fly fisherman want?
This video was filmed in less than 3 hours : we caught about 40 fish, most of them were wild brown trouts, few graylings and one rainbow trout. After 3 hours all batteries were empty and sd cards full. We continued fishing and ended the day after 8 hours with more than 100 fish in total.
Slovakia is truly fly fishing paradise and is worth of visiting by all fly fishermen who prefer untouched nature and wild fish.
Find out more about fly fishing guiding in Slovakia at our home page:
Fly fishing in Slovakia guiding company wish you Tight lines !
Many thanks to Chris Zabriskie for his great music!
Music by :
Prelude No. 3 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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