The changing of the seasons, for some, is no more than a date on the calander. A symbolic date that signifies a change is coming. For fly fishers, or rather anybody that spends a significant amount of time outdoors, that change is more apparent. Noticed not because we know its coming, but because we can feel or sense something is different, or about to change. Our local region here in Central Pennsylvania doesn’t have the coldest or most brutal winters by far. But sometimes it can seem to linger on longer then we feel it should. Overstaying its welcome. That’s when a date on the calendar telling us its spring, feels more like a downright lie. After what can seem like an eternity of going outside and seeing black and white, that first morning you realize you don’t need your extra fleece, and can close your eyes and take a deep breath without it burning your lungs with chill. It’s like the world is turning to color, and the seasons to come relate more to the quarry you’ll fish for, rather than the equinoxes and solstices. You’ve just been reborn into a changing world. No more monotone, but rather a brilliant Technicolor of greens and blues, and hopefully browns, rainbows, and bass. Music:"Birmingham Jail" by Chatham County Line (
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