Learn to tie a very effective steelhead nymph pattern. It may not be well known that pink scuds catch steelhead like crazy, but it's true. I've developed this pattern over the past four years and I'm very confident in it when fly fishing for steelhead. It is easily one of my top three steelhead nymphs. It is easy to tie, looks good in your box, and catches fish.
Devin Olsen from Fly Fishing Team USA turned me on to fishing pink scuds for steelhead. He is one of the world's best fly fisherman and you can check out his blog http://www.tacticalflyfisherman.com/ for more great tips.
The intro of large steelhead all caught nymphing is a fun twist that I decided to add to my last few videos. Leave a comment and let us know what you think!
Thanks for watching!
Other great steelhead videos:
Steelhead Dreams Part 1 - by Todd Moen
"A documentary style project about a mother, father and daughter growing up in the back country of British Columbia. 34 years later the mother/daughter team are still working harder than ever operating a world class Steelhead Lodge in Norhtern B.C. Here is part 1 from Catch Magazine's November issue. Camera work and editing by Todd Moen."
How to Nymph for Steelhead
Fly Fishing Steelhead for Beginners - Part 3 - Nymph Fishing for Steelhead
This is Part 3 in our series, "Nymph Fishing for Steelhead". We use this technique on all sorts of rivers including the Methow, Wenatchee, Klickitat, Deschutes, John Day, Grande Ronde, and many more. It is very effective and similar to the fly fishing tactics used for trout. In this video, a Switch Rod and a Wulff Ambush Line was used.
For Great Lakes Steelhead
Steelhead Flies -- Best Flies for Great Lakes Steelhead Fly Fishing
"Good steelhead flies for the Great Lakes tributaries in Ontario, New York, Michigan, Ohio. Egg fly patterns, nymph fly patterns, wooly bugger fly patterns, egg sucking leech fly patterns are your top choices for great lakes steelhead and brown trout."
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