Materials Used;
Hook Fulling Mill Traditional Streamer size 10
Bead, Gold 3mm for 3.5mm
Tag, Glo-Brite Floss No.12 Flu-Green
Rib, Small Copper Wire
Under-Body,Glo-Brite Floss No.12 Flu-Green
Body, Pearl Mylar
Thorax, Natural Dubbing
Legs, Pre-Knotted Pheasant Tail Fibre
Wing, Cree Hackle Points/Tips
Hackle, Cree Cock
The Pearly Daddy is one of our most popular deadly fishing patterns, used equally throughout the season. Its gold head helps this fishing fly to sink deeper into the water column, where larger trout tend to swim. Fish this fly pattern in twitches to make the back legs pulsate, which grabs the attention of nearby trout.
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