Fly Tying Tip - Simple Yarn Crab BodiesTying crab flies for bonefish and permit can often be intimidating for anglers because of the complexity of most patterns. One of my favorite crab pattern's is Cathy Beck's Fleeing Crab which we have used in the Bahamas and Belize for bones, permit, and even some baby tarpon. The body of this pattern is made from EP Fibers (antron works too) and they are typically tied in using a "figure 8" style technique which is good, but that technique tends to bind the fibers down of the previous clump of yarn. This technique that I show in the video I feel simplifies the process and makes the over quality of the body come out more consistent. This technique of tying yarn bodies on flies also works great on patterns like tarpon toads. If you have questions or comments leave them below and I would be happy to help!Thank for watching!Sean VisintainerSilver Bow Fly Shophttp://www.silverbowflyshop.comMake sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel: our Facebook for quicker updates on the Silver Bow Fly Shop Like fun fishing photos? great free fishing tips on my blog!
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