We welcome back Mr. Kevin Compton of Performance Flies. Kevin shares one of his newer patterns, the Sterling jig nymph, and be sure to stick around immediately following the tying, as he also shares a tip to make your fly tying more efficient. There are lots of intermediate to advanced techniques in this one, thus be prepared to watch it more than once! Thanks for sharing this great fly with us, Kevin.
Performance Flies: https://www.performanceflies.com/
Double Duck Caddis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9EBNvrH6H4
Hook: Hanak H 450 BL; #14 - 16
Bead: 3.0mm slotted tungsten; silver
Thread: Benecchi 12/0; light gray
Tail: Coq de Leon; medium pardo
Ribbing: Veevus holographic small tinsel; brown
Ribbing: Extra fine wire; silver
Body: Pheasant tail fibers
Wing: CDC; natural wild duck CDC fibers
Thorax: Jack Mickievicz Natural Pine Squirrel w/ Antron and UV flash dubbing
Kevin would also like to credit: Peter Durisik, Slovakia
Thanks for viewing this YouTube fly tying tutorial, and I encourage you to view my additional videos at the following website: http://www.troutandfeather.com
View more Guest Tier videos here: http://www.troutandfeather.com/fly-tying-videos#/guest-tiers
If you have any thoughts or questions based on this video, please leave them down below in the "Comments" section or you can email me: tcammisa@gmail.com
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Trout and Feather on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/troutandfeather
Fly fishing for beginners can be difficult at first, thus be sure to stick with it and ask others for advice. If in the need for some helpful tips and other fly tying and fly fishing information, be sure to check out my "Trout and Feather" accounts on Facebook and Instagram. Through my website, you can also sign-up for monthly emails; just scroll down to the bottom of the home page. Thanks!
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