During this fly tying tutorial, guest tyer Don Ward ties a favorite attractor dry fly, the Stimulator. Don, owner of Keystone Fly Rod Company, talks about his influences in building bamboo fly rods before going into detail about this pattern. Once tying, it's obvious that Don has an understanding of this pattern, being that he offers many tips on how to tie the Stimulator more effectively.
The Stimulator is an attractor dry fly that can represent a stonefly, hopper, or even caddis. It is an effective fly that additionally encourages variations, as Don shows a few colors that he has had success with over the years. Another fun variation includes adding rubber legs; feel free to share other styles of this fly in the "Comments" section below.
Thanks go out to Don Ward for the tying of this pattern. Don builds beautiful bamboo fly rods and has a net system that is simply better than the others out there right now. Check out his products at: http://www.keystoneflyrodcompany.com
Thanks for viewing this YouTube fly tying tutorial, and I encourage you to view my additional videos at the following website: http://www.troutandfeather.com
Feel free to leave any questions/comments on this YouTube page, or you can email me: tcammisa@gmail.com
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