One of the most common emails I receive is about purchasing vises, as there are many obstacles in selecting one. In this video, I share my current vise that I recommend to others, the Stonfo Transformer. This vise is manufactured by an Italian company, and offers tyers the ability to switch between three heads (standard, streamer, and tube fly). Throughout the video, I share my thoughts about this high quality tool, and give you a closeup view of the components. Near the end, I also show it holding both larger hooks and a TINY one (size 26!).
Stonfo website:…
Websites to purchase:………
As mentioned in this video, I'd love to hear your thoughts about this vise and others. Feel free to leave any additional questions/comments on this YouTube page, or you can email me:
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Tim, it certainly sounds like you are a spokesman for Stonfo Transformer (Italian made vise). I firmly believe in buying products made in the United States. The vise I use is the Nor Vise. It can do all the things you have shown the Stonfo Transformer can do. The Nor Vise is made in Washington State. I like it for it's high quality and especially for the ease of operation for people that have Arthritis. The rotary vise turns on ball bearings and is easy to operate. It has all the attachments for tying very tiny hooks all the way up to very large hooks. It has a great tube tying adaptor that works with every type of tube from plastic to brass with absolutely no slippage. Why send your money overseas when you can buy quality vise and supplies here in the United States? Americans should buy American products and keep the money here! Show your pride of being American and support businesses here.
nice vice
Tim, awesome demo. I would buy this vice in a heartbeat but it is way over my budget.
Richard's comment is bs. Most Americans say buy American but it is a hypicritical/ignorant comment since most of their own products are made overseas yet they don't even realize it or consciencly ignore it. Take a look around Richard and you'll see you're a big fan of overseas products. You love China, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, etc but won't admit it.
You obviously buy quality products and spend your money wisely. Keep up the good work, and in thiw case, go Italia!