Here in Scandinavia we have one of the largest members of the entire caddis family - the Phryganea Grandis which can be as big as five centimeters. They can really get the attention of the biggest fish in the water when they hatch. In this video we have teamed up with the swedish flytyer and flyfisher Håkan Karsnäser who allways have this pattern while visiting his home trout waters during the summer-months.
The Streaking Caddis is a pattern from the swedish legend Lennart Bergqvist and is tied to imitate the Phryganea Grandis. Originally this type or style of fly is tied by danish/american tyer Poul Jorgensen but with just the deer-hair as head and called Streaking and in smaller sizes, but Lennart added the body to match the insect even better and then let it grow to larger sizes.
Streaking Caddis
Hook: Ahrex FW530 #8 - Sedge Dry
Thread: Black GSP
Body: Brown Superfine
Wing: Natural Deerhair
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