The salmon season is well underway and the dream of the big shiny Atlantic salmon can give salmon fishermen many sleepless nights. The fly boxes are full and the gear is top-trimmed when the rivers open up after the long winter. In the early fishing, salmon can be few in numbers and a lot of water must be covered. A type of fly that has proven effective in fast-flowing water is long-winged flies such as Sunray Shadow, and it is probably also the inspiration that has created the salmon fly Strömsö, which we have had the skilled Danish salmon fisherman and fly tyer Casper Hansen to demonstrate. The combination of a long black wing and the golden body and underwing has proven very effective in early fishing and in rivers where the water is not always crystal clear.
Tube: 1,8 mm plast tube and 10 mm US tube
Thread: Black Veevus 10/0
Body: Alta Gold and SSS Glitz Nasty Olive
Hackle: Warm Dirty Yellow Softneck
Wing: Orange Polarbear, Warm Dirty Yellow Fox, Black Goat
Flash: Rainbow Angelhair
Cheeks: Jungle Cock
Head: Black
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