This technique was shown to me many years ago by Dennis Jensen and his father, Richard, from Denmark. It utilises a technique, where a wing burner is used to make a symmetrical wing that is folded in half and secured to the fly with a loop of tying thread. If you can’t get the particular tool used in the video, simply fold a small piece of the wing material over a piece of paper, grab it in a normal wing burning tool, the open end towards the opening of the tool. Cut to shape and burn the edges. The paper prevents the to halves of the wing fusing together. The wing can be made of many different materials, the best are ones where a little air can pass through. This particular fly was made with a used tea bag. Whatever material you use, it must be synthetic, so the edges fuse together when burned. There are several products on the market well suited as well. They can of course all be tinted with water proof markers. To my knowledge, they came up with the technique.
On flies larger than a size 12, there’s a risk that the wings will cause the fly to spin. Generally, keeping line speed down is a good idea.
We have had the danish flytyer and flyfisher Lars Chr. Bentsen behind the vise demonstrating the tying of the Tea Bag Dun.
Hook: Ahrex Dry Fly Light FW503 # 16
Thread: Olive UNI 8/0
Wing: Tea Bag, dyed olive with permanent marker and shaped with wing-burner
Tail: Olive hackle fibres
Body: FlyRite #3, Dark Olive
Hackle: Olive dry fly hackle
Thorax: FlyRite #3, Dark Olive
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