Fly fishing with kids can be difficult, especially young kids. My boy is 6 years old, and for many people this is too young to take fly fishing. But I really want him to learn, and he wants to learn. It does take a large amount of patients, and a lesson in some frustration, but I think its very rewarding to teach your kids to cast a fly rod as soon as you can.
We had a good day also, and this type of setting is kinda the perfect place. A small pond, that is easy to catch fish is great. Even small fish is fine for a kid. Probably preferred anyway. They are happy no matter the size, and smaller fish give them the opportunity to bring in fish on their own. Make sure you bring a rod you don't mind breaking also. Something maybe with a good warranty like rods would be perfect because if they do break it, it will be replaced for very little money. And the original cost of the rod is not too high. I recommend a small 2wt or 3wt rod for them. We caught quite a few fish on this 2wt, like bass and sunfish. However we hooked a nice bass that ended up pealing some line and got off.
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