Published Dec 19. 2019 - 4 years ago
Updated or edited Dec 19. 2019

The Midnight Mission

10,000 videos!

International Fly Fishing Film Festival Winning Feature Film 2019!
For fishing buddies Chris and Gilbert, watching their friend Kohler give up fly fishing is unbearable. To them this simply isn't an option. To rescue him from the slippery slope of the real world Chris and Gilbert have devised an adventure they are sure will jump start Kohler's desire to once again return to fly fishing. To help realign Kohler's priorities they've decided to lean on Chris' expertise of night fishing to introduce him to a dark world of fly fishing that he has yet to experience. If they can find a monster lurking in the dark big enough to make Kohler scream, he'll be back! The night holds many mysteries, including whether or not they can save their fishing buddy from the responsibilities of life that have slowly taken their toll. Experience their rescue in The Midnight Mission!

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Gilbert Rowley

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Long story short

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Long story longer

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