Today we are doing a bit of shameless self-promotion. In short we tell you the full story about our development and in-house production of Woolly Sparkle Dub and Natural Sculpin Wool.
Back in 2015 Ulla and I went into the lab, trying to make what we considered the ultimate natural wool dubbing and yarn for fly tying and jig tying.
We tried a bunch of different types of wool before choosing the finest material we could find. The first colours were made, flies were tied… and tested on live animals (mostly trout) and they loved them.
The whole process was documented in photos and films - and now we are proud to show it all to you.
Hope it inspires you to try our handmade products, that in 2021 have had a 25 % price reduction, due to us selling directly to you now, instead of going through a wholesaler. Click the link below, if you wanna see the full product range.
Have a fabulous weekend :0)
You can buy Woolly Sparkle Dub and Natural Sculpin Wool right here...
Find more info, fly patterns and tying- and fishing tips on Woolly Sparkle Dub on my blog here...
Watch more Woolly Sparkle Dub videos here…
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