Devan Ence tying one of his signature fly patterns from Solitude Fly Company. If you are looking for a killer midge dropper look no further. This pattern can be tied in any color to match the situation and it doesn't hurt that the fish love to eat this bug. The original pattern had a glass bead on it but out of demand from some of the Henry's Fork Anglers guide staff there is now a tungsten version. Materials List: Hook: Daiichi 1130 #16 (#16-20 are the prime sizes) Bead: 3/32 Black Nickel Tungsten Thread: UTC 70 Black Abdomen: Hollow Micros Tubing Blood Red Wingcase; Pearl Micro Flashabou 1/100 Legs: Flouro Fibre Check Out Our Website: Like Us on Facebook: Thank You for Watching!
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