Full tying SBS and underwater footage. This video on this natural olive colored shrimp fly is one in a series of videos showing how to get more out of your bucktails, by using the light as well as the dark hairs on the material. A fast tied fly, that is great for sea run brown trout in fresh- as well as saltwater.
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Two-tone Olive Bucktail Shrimp
Hook: Ahrex NS156 Traditional Shrimp # 6
Thread: Olive - https://amzn.to/3loGT2t
Tag/mouthparts: Woolly Sparkle Dub - Chartreuse Sparkle - https://shop.michaeljensens.com/product/woolly-sparkle-dub/
Tail/feelers: Olive bucktail - dark hair - https://amzn.to/3nG2S7T
Eyes: Easy shrimp eyes - Super fluorescent green - https://easyshrimpeyes.dk/easy-shrimp-eyes/
Body: Woolly Sparkle Dub - Chartreuse Sparkle
First & second hair hackle: Olive bucktail - light hair
Head: Woolly Sparkle Dub - Chartreuse Sparkle
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