Published Oct 2. 2018 - 5 years ago
Updated or edited Oct 7. 2018

Very tiny creek. Tons of fish!

One of the best days I have ever had fishing! It was unique fishing, and definitely something I want to go do again. Who knew this small creek would have fish in it, but there they were. And tons of them as well! The water was crystal clear, so I was also able to get more underwater footage, and quality underwater footage than I have ever been able to in the past. It seemed like every fish got to swim away on camera.

So the moral of the story is, if you see a trickle of a creek, and think to yourself that its not worth exploring because it could not hold fish in it, maybe give it a 2nd thought. It might be one of the more unique experiences you have ever had fishing!

So as always, with these small secretive creeks, I will not be able to tell you the actual location or creek name, however I can say that it is located somewhere in the south west tip of Colorado, located in the San Juan Forest which is in the lower stretch of the Rocky Mountains. Its beautiful here, and densely forested. Its also very remote and you will rarely see anyone while out exploring. But this means you should be careful! Always go with someone else, and bring a small first aid kit incase something does happen.


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