The Royal Coachman is a dry fly I have fished before, and absolutely love! I also love the Royal Wulff as well which is very similar with a different tail. The Western Coachman though is a fly im used to seeing as a wet fly, or I guess maybe its an emerger. But a customer of mine asked me to tie it as a dry fly, so here is my attempt at that. They are beautiful flies, especially with the golden pheasant tails. That is some trippy cool looking birds with awesome feathers!
Anyway I tied up 24 of these for this gentleman who I am hoping will catch some really nice fish with them. I tied them in size 12 and 14, which both came out good. Being the first time ive tied these though, I hope I did a good enough job. For anyone watching who has tied these before, please let me know if I did anything wrong. The head and hackle on this particular one didn't come out perfect, the others did much better. Just I can't chew gum and walk, so tying and talking and filming together usually make for a bumble of a tie.
So here is the list of materials for this particular fly. Like I said I like using Risen hooks when I tie myself, so please go check them out. Their barbless dry fly hooks are awesome!
I also got you all a discount there, so they are even a better deal when you type in "McFly" at checkout.
Hook: Risen "Dry fly 100bl" or firehole sticks number 419 - -
Thread: Veevus 10/0 in black -
Tail: Golden Pheasant Tippet -
Rib: Small sized gold ultra wire -
Abdomen: Peacock Hurl -…
Wing: Deer Belly Hair -
Hackle: Coachman Brown dry fly saddle hackle -
Head Cement: Loon water based -
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