From California, to New York, to England, the wooly bugger is probably one of the most effective and popular streamer patterns that can be used for a large range of fish species. I even know of people using them for saltwater fishing as well as freshwater. Its also fairly easy to tie, and quite durable. The grizzly/white version is great for imitating many baitfish. Being a bead head fly, it will sink and get down deep to the fish.
Hook: Daiichi 1750 size 10 (any 3x-4x long shanked streamer hook will do)
Weight: .015 lead wire, and a bead head.
Thread: white 70 denier thread.
Body: White chenille, and grizzly saddle hackle.
Tail: Pearl krystal flash and white marabou
Music: funnysong, ukulele -
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