The trophy for most salmon fishermen is the spring salmon. It comes fresh from the sea and is in absolute top condition, and brilliantly silvershiny - a true dream-trophy. The first salmon to return back to the rivers and streams are usually also the largest, but unfortunately there are usually only quite a few salmon at the start of the season, but nothing is better than the pull of the line and the appearance of a silver shining springer salmon – the stuff we dream of and what drives us to the river again and again. A color that has proven effective for these early salmon here in Scandinavia must be yellowish shades, preferably with a slightly "dirty" look. We have once again had the skilled Danish salmon fisherman and fly tyer Casper Hansen in the studio, where he ties his favorite fly to the earliest salmon. Casper himself says about the fly: “this is my absolute favorite fly for the spring fishing in Denmark, and I have added rubberlegs for extra movement. Because here in Denmark with the slowly running rivers, we have to work the fly a lot while fishing. But this pattern can for sure provoke the early springers to take the fly – please give it a try”.
Tube: FITS small Fluo Yellow and a brass bead in Gold
Thread: Yellow Veevus 10/0
Body: Alta Gold Salar Dub
Underwing: Yellow Flouro Fiber
Wing: Yellow Ondrata Zonker Strip
Flash: Two strands of Gold Angelhair
Overwing: Short Dirty Yellow Fox bodyhair
Legs: Yellow Rubberlegs
Hackles: Dirty Yellow Softneck and a Yellow Pheasat Rump
Head: Yellow, Copper or Metallica Orange disc
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