The famous spider patterns tied in stiff hackle versions.
For fun I thought it would be worth trying the famous “trinity” of Yorkshire spider patterns with stiff hackles tied Cutcliffe style. So the trinity is of course the Partridge & Orange, Dark Snipe & Purple and Waterhen Bloa.
I have named the stiff hackle versions...
Indio Bloa:
Thread: Yellow silk with cobblers wax
Body: silk dubbed very sparsely with pine squirrel fur.
Hackle: Neck feather from an Indio Gallo de Leon - light grey dun color
Hook: Mustad vintage Kendall-Kirby bend hook 2xl
Pardo & Orange:
Thread: Hot orange silk
Rib: gold wire
Body: thread
Hackle: Brown/ginger toned Whiting CDL Pardo cape feather sized so the barbule length equals the hook shank.
Hook: same as above
Bleute & Purple:
Thread: Dark purple silk
Body: thread
Hackle: Dark dun rooster feather - I used a Limousin "bleute" colored hackle which is a gun metal grey.
Just a bit of fun but I bet they work!
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