Published Aug 13. 2021 - 3 years ago
Updated or edited Aug 13. 2021

You win some, you Loose some!

Not every day fishing is a spectacular day, however fishing is always fun! I don't always catch fish, and this was an example of a day that was less than productive. Granted I did catch a few small sunfish, and one small bass, but it wasn't a great day for catching. I did however enjoy the time I spent with Paul, and the outdoors. Getting exercise, sun and the sounds of nature made the trip still worth while.

BTW, if you guys are interested in those Ridge wallets, go to to buy it. Clicking that link will automatically give you 10% off of your order. They sell more than just wallets. They also have backpacks, portable charging bricks and more. So go check them out, you will like their stuff.

Also, as always, check out Risen Fly. go to and type in the discount code "McFly" at checkout for 15% off your first order with them. They have some very high quality gear at very good prices. You will love everything they offer.


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