It's no surprise to anyone who's fished a Gartside Gurgler that fish take them well, but this was my first go. A few chunky bass later, and I was hooked. The only problem is they cast like a sock - even with an 8wt rod. That upturned "lip" makes them quite air resistant.
Nevermind. They catch fish. I can rest my arm after I'm done fishing.
The gurgler's I used were tied as follows:
Hook: TMC 8089, #6
Thread: Danville Flymaster +, white
Tail: White polar bear, quite long, with a few strands of pearl flashabou (just a few!)
Body: White 1/8 foam, Gurlger style
Hackle: White saddle hackle, palmered over body.
That's it. Great fly. Bass loved it.
For more on gurglers, go to
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Gurgler #6
Will it work on rainbow, brown trout? Or catfish perhaps?
Gurgler targets
The Gurgler will definitely work for browns and rainbows under the right conditions when the fish are aggressively chasing high in the water - or if you target fish eating frogs, mice or similar large animals.
Catfish is a different game. Catfish are bottom fish, and a Gurgler is in the surface. It might lure the fish up, but I would guess not. I have to say, though, that my catfish experiences are zero, so I can't be sure.
Catfish on Dry flies
Actually Catfish will rise for surface flies more often then you'd imagine. a Hex hatch will bring Channels, Blues and the various Bullheads to the surface to feed. also Calibaetis hatches will bring them to the surface on lakes and ponds. , in Rivers and creeks, Cats will rise to Drakes and larger caddis. I have caught Bullheads in a local creek on Black Gnats and Blue Dun dries i was fishing for Bluegill while not all the time, You can - occasionally- catch various catfish species on surface patterns.