Here's a guide to a weedfree baitfish that you can through into heavy cover, wheteher you're targetting bass in grass, or snag bashing the mangroves. You can throw this into heavy cover and Know that it's going to come back out. In the video I've gone for bluegill colours, but you just need to adjust to suit your fishing situation.
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Hook: offset worm hook
thread 8/0
weedguard: flash coated with CCG flex
body: SF Blend/Kinky fibre
Eyes: 3D stick on
Loon UV fly finish
Small swivel, split ring and spinner blade
Music by morlais
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weedless bairfish fly
Very nice tie. Its a lot like Derrick Filkins' HPU(Hook Point Up) patterns, except he uses a piece of hard mono line to tie the pattern on and for the weed guard. Its quicker than having to use so much light cured resin, and cheaper since you can use a piece of grass trimmer line (this also makes great, large mono eyes). Also, you can tie onto the line instead of having to cram a lot of material behind the hook eye. You can even tie the material directly onto the mono on the vise tube-fly style, and then add it to the hook.