Published Aug 29. 2003 - 21 years ago
Updated or edited Oct 8. 2020

Trophies on Display

NYS DEC's finest

Tomorrow I'm going to the NY State Fair with my wife, primarily to see a concert, but also to sample the wonderful food and take in some of the fun. We don't get away much, just the two of us, so it's gonna be a special treat.

One stop I always insist on is the DEC building, where not only can you buy your annual license, you can see mounts of various game species. It also has an immense aquarium filled with the biggest freaking trout and bass this guy has ever seen in person. Monstrous things - specimens grown large and fat on a steady diet of DEC care and feeding.

You wanna get in the mood to fish - stand eye-to-eye with a 10 pound rainbow for a few minutes and mutter "If it wasn't for this glass between us - you'd be mine."

I won't even mention the delights of the poultry building. Oh my!


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The GFF money box

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Long story short

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Long story longer

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