In a recent podcast I was talking about the price of fly tying material and in particular the price of synthetics. In a local shop I found a material used for a fly called The Mango, which will soon be published here on GFF. This material—Reflash Tubing from D's Flyes—was almost 60 Danish Kroners, or more than 10 US$ a bag! Yup! Ten dollars! For a strip of woven plastic! It is a nice material, but nothing sythetic is that nice unless it has diamonds woven into the braid.
Now at D's Flyes in Colorado, US where this material originally comes from, they have it on offer right now at 1 dollar a bag. Now, that's what I call saving! Buying at a 10th of the price tag in my local shop. That's something I like!
And it shows me several things:
- Synthetics should be inexpensive, and often are
- Shopping over the web is great, easy and often inexpensive
- Danish prices are (always) hilarious

1 dollar a bag!
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